Eddie Ramos pres: Just Dance – The Houseologist EP (Part Two) – Cyberjamz Records

Eddie Ramos pres: Just Dance – The Houseologist EP (Part Two) – Cyberjamz Records Targe release date March 05,2021.

The Jams keep coming for this producer and this one is without exception and just like part one,this one picks off right where it left off. I’m asking of all my music programmers to drop this joint in your sets.

Play On!

all tracks produced and jammed by Eddie Ramos (Houseologist@Wurk)
cover by Eddie Ramos

Check out everything Eddie R.
Pick up everything Houseologist@Wurk here http://bit.ly/3gA7Mh0
Bonus Tracks now up at Bandcamp page http://bit.ly/3q6RiAY

Keep your ear to the Ground – Toupee Recs

*Another SoulCat Joint 2021.